Feather River: 3.2015
The Feather River has a number of forks and branches, all emptying into
Lake Oroville reservoir.
This page profiles the North fork's 125 mile meander across the state of California from
Sierra Valley to Oroville. The Feather River's north fork has many small creek tributaries incuding two that have
Bucks Lake as a source.
The Feather River's low level is told by the watermarks on boulders high above the current level. Normally the entire canyon is wet with precipitation and snowmelt which drains into the river all winter. The canyon wall shows bleached lime marks from previous and wetter years.
Feather River at the Pulga Road bridges just south of Poe Dam. Lime-stained boulders, usually underwater, are bleached by exposure.
High water mark from 1986 is yards above current level in winter.
In a turnabout, there are more rocks than river.
River level far below low point even in winter.
Low channel looking northeast.
Low channel looking southwest.
High water marks are yards above current level.
Hwy 70 is far from being icy on this sunny winter day.
Bare boulders bearing watermarks from higher river level years.
Bucks Creek Powerhouse.