Whites & Thomas Creeks and Alexander Lake: 3.2015
Whites and Thomas creeks conflude in isolated Alexander Lake nestled in the foot of the Huffakers. A natural lake, it's name and outline can be found on early maps of the area.
Tucked behind the Huffakers (not to be confused with the recent reservoir created for the Double Diamond Ranch Master Association's effluent treatment plant higher in the hills), Alexander Lake is often called Hidden Lake by locals who remember the South Meadows as "One giant swamp" before the congestion of housing developments began in the late 1990s.
Alexander Lake after a spring rain
The same perspective in February, 2015.
Waterways flow out of Alexander Lake and the nearby levy to form this channel at the base of the Huffakers Hills which flows into nearby
Steamboat Creek at "the gap" or "narrows" between the Virginia Mountains and the Huffaker Hills at Alexander Lake Road.