Davis/Davies & Merrill Creeks
Davies Creek, sometimes referred to as Davis Creek, and Merrill Creek are tributaries to the
Little Truckee River (3) as the
Stampede Dam impounds their flows before proceeding to
Boca Reservoir from whence the
Little Truckee River (4) continues its final flow into the
Truckee River.
Davies Creek meanders through Sardine Valley, once the site of bustling sawmills below the Bald Mountains.
Sardine Valley is a wetlands percolation area contributing to Davies Creek which flows into
Stampede Reservoir at it's northernmost tip. Snow should blanket this area in February, especially the Bald Mountains in the background.
Scant snow on the Bald Mountains in February means Davies Creek won't be much of a tributary to
Stampede Reservoir in the summer.
Davies Creek, a dry Sardine Valley with scant snow on the Bald Mountains (6400-7200') in mid-February, 2015.