"It might seem weird at first, but your favourite drink might have more than just alcohol in it.
Brewmasters, winemakers, and distillers may include animal ingredients in their products directly, or they might use them in the processing and filtration.
These ingredients don't usually show up on the label, so the only way to find out is to ask.
The Barnivore Vegan Alcohol Directory is here to help."- Whole Foods
More and more vegan faire. Bakery has added two vegan cakes as standard faire. Some of the pies are vegan and aren't necessarily marked as such. I always make it a point to ask what's vegan at the bakery counter and to leave messages at the front desk for more vegan offerings. Three vegan muffins are almost always available: Apple, Blueberry, Chocolate/Raspberry.
Sometimes there are vegan offerings in the prepared foods cold case like vegan chocolate pudding.
A couple of the fresh-baked loaves are vegan: the 9 grain and the pain au lavain. Latter is a bit chewy, not in a pleasant way. The 9 grain is really good.
Vegan chocolate pudding available and a large "Meat Alternatives" case between the produce market and the fish monger near the cheese deli. The alternative meat locker is too close to the smelly parts of the store that most long-term vegans can't go near without gagging.
Vegan pizza is good now that they've been told to use less fake cheese on the top. Was too much in the past and made the whole slice taste sour.
We miss the smoothie bar at the old Wild Oats that Whole Foods bought out in a hostile takeover. 55,000 square feet in this Whole Foods and no smoothie bar, what gives? - Great Basin Community Food CoOperative
Currently no local store in Reno is vegan-only. The following stores sell dead animals and their fluids. CoOp prides themselves on a variety of locally slaughtered animal flesh. But when a vegan opens a case where dead animals are being stored or cheese is presented it causes a gag reflex for those who live plant-strong. Whole Foods has whole sections some of us have never been in. When the smell hits your nostrils long before you go down the aisle, you're turning to head for the front door for some fresh air to get the smell of death off of you.
We at RenoVegans dream of a vegan food coOp or store where we don't have to experience, see or even smell the sight of the remains of a tortured animal.