Reno, Sparks, Washoe County, Carson City and NV State elections, 2014
A Sweep for Compassion!
Many of our candidates won their primaries including for Mayor, City Council and Sheriff. Some of our judges are unopposed and some who where challengers have surged ahead and will be seen on November ballots.
PMFR urges support of these candidates for their avowed dedication to be a voice for the voiceless.

The following candidates have given personal interviews on their position on ending the sales of dogs, cats and rabbits in retail stores in Northern Nevada and have expressed their concerns for an increased focus on animal welfare in their personal lives and as part of their duties of office.
Some judges believe it is incumbent upon them as impartial jurists to not be seen as advocating for a political initiative, but all have expressed to me their dedication to advocating for animals from the bench, notably in making sure animals aren't treated as property—like a chair or a lamp that belongs to someone—but as a family member with specific wants and needs.

Candidates' positions on other issues need to factor into your final decisions, but for my part, I believe any person who is willing to declare
sincerely—and I make sure this is true with personal interviews—their concern and commitment to animal welfare, means they will likely care about a broad-range of issues including treating each other just a little bit better.
As those who abuse animals are prone to violence toward fellow humans, so those who care for the voiceless among us often also care about the broader community at large and are not just spokespersons for special interests.
Candidate Endorsements
[10 Candidates and 6 Former Candidates=16]
Primary Winner!
"I support a Puppy Mill Free Reno/Sparks/Washoe!"
—Hillary Schieve, Reno City Council Member and Candiate for Mayor of Reno
Primary Winner!
"I support a Puppy Mill Free Reno/Sparks/Washoe!"
—Chuck Allen, Nevada Highway Patrol, RGJ Citizen of the Year, Candiate for Washoe County Sheriff
Primary Winner!
Terri Thomas, Candiate for Washoe County Commissioner Board, Ward 2.
I am deeply sympathetic to your puppy mill issue as the house behind me burned down in July, 2008, costing some 20 puppies their lives, along with the birth mothers. I was horrified. I did save the four horses and a burro by taking them onto my property, but the house was a total loss.
Please feel free to report that I am totally in support of your cause, and that all of my dogs, and cats, have come from shelters or from private placements brokered by animal advocates, and that I have rescued two horses, one of which still resides on my property, and the other exceeded the life expectancy of every vet who ever visited him. (We think Buck may have been as old as 43.)
I am totally in support of your mission. The best dogs I ever had, and have, have been those who would have been abandoned by others. Ditto with the cats (although my husband is allergic and I promised not to get any more cats). Carry on! You have my complete support.
Primary Winner!
Naomi Duerr, Candiate for Reno City Council, Ward 2.
Supports a Puppy Mill Free Reno/Sparks/Washoe
Primary Winner!
Puppy Mill Free Reno Endorses Lynne Simons as a judge who will consider animals as more than property, but living, breathing, feeling fellow-creatures in her decisions from the bench.
Unopposed in the primary
PMFR endorses John Springgate as a judge who will consider animals as more than property, but living, breathing, feeling fellow-creatures in his decisions from the bench.
—John Springgate, Candiate for Family Court Judge
Primary Winner!
"Most puppy 'mills' and other for-profit animal breeding operations operate with limited regulation or inspection. Often the conditions of the facilities and the animals are atrocious. I would support additional regulation and oversight of the animal breeding industry in Nevada."
—Lauren Scott, Candiate for Nevada Assembly District 30
Carson City
"Count Me in on bringing this forward ..I am working on this important & responsible plan...."
—Karen Abowd, Candiate for Carson City Board of Supervisors, Ward 1.
Carson City
"I have been ACTIVE in animal rescue in the Reno/Sparks/Carson areas since adopting my first Saint Bernard in 2000 from Saints of the West Rescue in Reno, Nevada. We have participated in the Nevada Day Parade to bring awareness to adopting pets FIRST! I am also active with petitions and rallies to GET RID OF PUPPY MILLS AND BREEDING AND ALWAYS PREACH TO THINK ADOPTION FIRST! My campaign priority is having a new animal shelter for Carson City......not just talking about it like has been done for decades!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK TO HELP ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!"
—Lisa Helget, Candiate for Carson City Board of Supervisors, Ward 1.
Political Supporters
Erik Holland, mayoral candidate for Reno, supports a Puppy Mill Free Reno/Sparks/Washoe
Brooke Keast, candidate for Justice of the Peace, Sparks, supports a Puppy Mill Free Reno/Sparks/Washoe
"I support a Puppy Mill Free Reno/Sparks/Washoe!"
—Marsh Berkbigler, Washoe County Commissioner, Candiate for Reno Mayor
"I support a Puppy Mill Free Reno/Sparks/Washoe!"
—Jim Johns, Candiate for Reno City Council Ward 2
Idora Silver, Candiate for Reno Mayor
"I fully support the efforts of this organization to end the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in retail stores to help bring the puppy mill industry to a halt."
John L. Walter II, Candiate for Sparks Justice of the Peace, Department 1
Supports a Puppy Mill Free Reno/Sparks/Washoe
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