STAND UP FOR THE PUPS! 75 people gave their time on 4/5/14, and 9/20/14 to lend their voices to those who have none, those poor animals languishing in the 10,000 puppy mills across the country, enslaved in a life of torture and misery.
Our message was clear, this is not acceptable and we want our elected officials to do something about it by ending the sales of dogs, cats and rabbits in retail stores.
Puppy Mill Free Reno/Sparks/Washoe!
Kittens & Rabbits, too!

Dedicated to Washoe County's continued excellence as a world-leader in the treatment of animals.
With its world-renowned "no-kill" policy for which it has received major national funding, it only stands to reason that Washoe County becomes like
♥♥ other counties and municipalities ahead of it, a puppy, kitty and rabbit mill-free zone. South Lake Tahoe was the second municpality in the country to end the sale of mill animals six years ago.
Watch our Video of in-store puppies who appear to be sickly, uncharacteristically lethargic, uncared for and in unkempt conditions, yet again! Seems like Animals Services should be called Business Services since that's what they appear to care more about!
KOLO 8 Puppy Store Exposé in Reno
View On KOLO 8 Website
"Warning: some pictures in the story might be disturbing.
Employee outrage over the conditions of local puppy stores has highlighted holes in Nevada law governing pet shops.
Employees have come forward revealing what they call filthy conditions.
Animal Control initially investigated and closed the case, finding no wrongdoing. But now, officials are saying they have an 'open inquiry.'"

Maxwell was adopted into the White family from the Reno SPCA after a hard life. "His fur was filthy and matted, but after these four years with us, I just think he's just the best dog ever."
Restricting puppy, kitty and rabbit sales (
reports show that nearly 100% of animals in stores are from these factory-farms) would help reduce animal suffering, protect the consumer and could reduce the tax payer burden for feral animal programs in the future.
Acquiring animals from the many accredited non-profit shelters and rescue groups in the area, or from a reputable breeder, are the best ways to welcome a new companion into your home as promoted by the
City of Boston website.
Many national animal welfare organizations report that mill animals are constantly kept pregnant, birthing and nursing. To keep costs down these dogs rarely get medical treatment, see the light of day, know a kind hand or enjoy the loving atmosphere most humans would like to provide.
For more information including in-depth articles, reports and videos, see our
What Is A Puppy Mill? page.
This kind of turnout shows how much support an end to the sales of dogs, cats and rabbits in retail stores has in the Truckee Meadows. It's time for Northern Nevada to join the national trend. Fifty-one cities so far have enacted a ban that will help bring this despicable and sickening practice to an end. We support a unanimous yes vote in Reno, Sparks and Washoe County!
Animals in stores usually cost hundreds of dollars—sometimes $1000 or more—and are often a credit card-enabled impulse purchase. After such an outlay, new owners may forgo the added expense of a spay or neutering operation risking pregnancy and an unwanted litter down the line, increasing the chance of more animals ending up in a shelter. Estimates are that as many as 2,000,000 dogs are bred in puppy mills each year, while 2-4,000,000 are killed in shleters. (
See video on this page.)

Big box stores PetCo ("
Think Adoption First®" ) and PetSmart (
PetSmart Charities® Adoption Centers) long ago stopped selling puppies, kitties and rabbits. Most of the locally owned pet shops have taken the pet out of the pet store and offer everything you need for your new companion to thrive under your guardianship while leaving the care of the animals to accredited non-profits.
"Dog by Dog is a documentary that aims to wake up the American public to the horrible realities of puppy mills by following the money trail across the United States and confronting those that have maintained this corrupt and irresponsible system."
According to reports, animals from
mass production breeders ("mills") that are most often sold in retail stores ("Most pet store puppies come from puppy mills." —
of which there may be as many as 10,000 in the US) can be prone to illnesses. Accredited non-profit adoption and rescue agencies perform a medical examination on the animals, provide shots, de-worming and spay/neutering and offer the animal for low cost (typically between $45 and $100).
Because dogs and cats begin socialization in the first few weeks of life, animals sourced from mills have been found to have behavioral problems. See, RGJ article
Puppies from pet stores more likely to have behavioral problems, study finds. The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association study of May, 2013, concludes,
We cannot recommend that puppies be obtained from pet stores.
For more information about alternative ways to aquire a companion for life, see
Shops & Adopt.

While animals sold in stores are required by law to be seen by a veterinarian, there are many reports of animals that are
sick and altogether too often, mortally so.
Because animals purchased in pet stores are often bought on an
impulse enabled with a credit card and targeted financing, some new owners find the expense of a veterinarian visit a hardship. These animals are rarely spayed or neutered or de-wormed when sold, requiring consumers to spend up to a few hundred dollars more after purchase. Some consumers may forgo the expense of a spay/neuter operation, which could add to the feral animal problem in Washoe County.
Passing a new ordinance could help protect the consumer and might reduce costs of taxpayer funded feral animal control programs in Washoe County.
Sign Our Petition to protect animals and the consumer.
To keep up with the progress of making Washoe County Puppy Mill Free, join our
email list.
Please sign our petition to end puppy mill sales in Washoe County.
What are these red boxes?
See our
INFO page to find out.

Mike and his German Shepherd rescue, Wrigley.
Larger.No pet supply store within the County should sell puppies born and bred from the suffering and life-long torture of puppy, kitty and rabbit mills.
Many pet supply and services stores in our area, such as
Natural Paws and
Pawsitively P.A.W.S. and big box stores regularly host rescue and adoption agencies at their locations.
Pet supply stores offer pet products and some offer services such as grooming and/or boarding, including the big-box stores PetSmart and PetCo which long ago stopped selling mill animals.
Find more adoption resources on our
Cruelty-Free Pet Stores page.

Adoptable pets from the Nevada Humane Society and many other agencies (see
Cruelty-Free) are put through rigorous veterinary health procedures. Adoptions cost anywhere from $45 to $100 and include all necessary shots, medical examination and spay/neuter if needed.
Puppy Mill Free Reno/Sparks/Washoe mascot, Brooks, visiting his veterinarian 5 years after being adopted for $45 from the Nevada Humane Society.
"One of the healthiest dogs we see!"
Win, Win, Win, Win!

"Here are some of our TMCC employees with the petition!"
Banning puppy mill sales in retail stores is a win-win situation in Washoe County.
In fact, it's win, win, win, win:
Win 1: Business
Directors, managers and volunteer groups from all over the world come to see how the world's most successful no-kill shelters works. They stay for the week, get accommodations, eat out and do a little sight-seeing after touring the facilities.
Furthering Washoe County's reputation as the most animal friendly county in the country is a win for local businesses.
Ending dog, cat and rabbits sales in retail stores in Reno, Sparks, Washoe County, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville and Douglas County will bring national publicity rivaling the bans sweeping South Florida cities.
Win 2: Community
Nevada shows up at the top of some lists no one wants to be on, but there are many things we can be proud of.

Washoe residents can be very proud of our standing as one of the most animal-friendly places to live in the country. Our low-kill shelter ranks among the most successful in the world.
Taking this positive reputation a step further and ending puppy mill sales, as have 51 other cities and counties throughout the US, would be another win for pride in our community.
Win 3: Animals
Win 4: Consumers & Taxpayers

Austyn and his Buddy, Brooks, adopted from Humane Society hosted at PetSmart, 8/2008.
Larger. According to the Humane Society of the United States, most puppy mill dogs sold in commercial retail stores cost anywhere from $450-$2000, typically running around $800, though a $2500 price tag has been seen recently in the Reno area. The dogs come with tracking "papers," which are not the same as papers from a breeder who rarely, if ever, sell to commercial stores. The animals are not spayed or neutered and owners should spend a few hundred dollars on that treatment right away.
Erin's Chomper was adopted through Northern Nevada Bulldog Rescue. He's one lucky boy.
The cats, rabbits and puppies are often sickly, but that might only show up after it's too late to take the animal back, sometimes costing thousands in medical bills within a few years. Even when bringing a puppy home who becomes sick right away, the owner and the dog may have already bonded and giving the animal up is no longer an option. Sometimes the animals have to be put down at an early age. It's very hard to lose a family member so young, especially with children in the family.
Companions adopted from non-profit adoption and rescue services cost anywhere from $45-$100. Typically have all their legally required shots and are spayed or neutered. An estimated 25-30% of dogs in shelters are purebred. If a specific breed is desired, there are rescue organizaions for every conceivable breed of animal and one available at nearly any age. Want to skip the puppy years? A family can find a one year old, rescued, black labrador retriever, for example, in just a few clicks of a mouse. Many local rescue groups and shelters are found in our area. See our Shops and Adopt page for resources.
Adopting is a big win for consumers and their pocketbooks.
Making sure an animal is spayed or neutered before being taken home could curb the expenses of the feral animal problem in years to come.