Fields of Interest
California History, with particular interests in
- Politics (especially the Progressive Era)
- Environment
- Geography
- Gender Studies (especially women as well as homosexuality)
Biographical Note
Unger holds a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, where she was a John Randolph Haynes Fellow. She taught at San Francisco State University from 1986 until 1994, when she came to Santa Clara University. She is assistant professor of History, Women and Gender Studies, and Environmental Studies, and has taught both California History and Historical Geography of the U.S./California. Much of her recent research into the state's history focuses on issues involving women and the environment.
Recent Public Presentations
- KRON television
- Voice of America Radio
- Society for North America Studies (France)
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Wisconsin Public Radio
Selected Publications
- Fighting Bob La Follette: The Righteous Reformer. (Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press, 2000). Winner of the Wisconsin Historical Society's 2001 Book of Merit award
- With Marie Bolton, "Pollution, Refineries, and People: Environmental Justice in Contra Costa County, California, 1980," in The Modern Demon: Pollution in Urban and Industrial Societies. (France: University of Clermont Press, 2002).
- With Marie Bolton, "The Case for Cautious Optimism: California Environmental Propositions in the Late Twentieth Century," in Annales du Monde Anglophone, forthcoming 2004.