For his commitment to compassion for humans and his "100+" voting score for animals in the Congress, the Compassionate Washoe Campaign endorses Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.

Our Initiatives

Emergency Petition from our sister site
Animal Abuse Investigations

Please sign and share, petitioning Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

Vietnam: Make It Illegal to Torture an Animal

A video posted on Facebook of Vietnamese youth brutally torturing a dog to death with their scooters that was harmlessly and defenselessly sleeping by the side of the road has lead to international outcry. Please add your name to our petition and share.

Website  |  Petition

End Animal Testing

FACEBOOK: Add Felonious Animal Cruelty to Your Abuse List.
Due to relentless activism to add felonious animal cruelty to Facebook's community standards, users may now report "animal cruelty" in posts, photos, videos and pages. The photo section of our Facebook page shows you how to make the right kind of report to get criminal animal abuse activity removed. This does not prevent local authorities from finding out about perps as FB only removes the content from the front end.

Working to end stores giving out single-use plastic bags throughout the world.

Fundraiser for Feline Rescue netted over $4000 in 2013.


An alliance to protect the last remaining wild wetlands in Reno's South Meadows along the Steamboat Corridor.

Connecting the dots of Reno's fresh drinking water.

Hosted Events:

February 11th
For our third evening in a series of films and talks, Rod Coronado will be hosted by Billy Howard and Dr. Don Molde for an evening addressing activist organizers. Mr. Coronado's life-long and often extreme activism—currently with Wolf Patrol—will prove an enlightening evening discussing what works for animal welfare initiatives and wildlife protection.
Reno Premiere One Night Only!
Join us for one of the most important film experiences of the decade. COWSPIRACY is a man's journey to get to the bottom of the global crisis confronting each and every one of us. What he uncovers is unnerving, but luckily the solution he finds at every turn is shatteringly simple for us all.

Going fast! Get your TICKETS now!

“Picks up where American Mustang and An Inconvenient Truth leave off.”

Speaker Panel:

And a special surprise....
Guesses on who this comic book superhero is are being posted on this FB page.