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The rudest people I've encountered so far are the rental agency people. Everybody over at RentTech needs to find something they enjoy doing for a living and not take their frustrations out on their customers.The most smug are the real estate/rental agents. They deliver news with a smile on their lips, "Yes, that's a cozy one bedroom, recently painted and it's $1600 per month and a deposit of $3200 for a move in of $4800.00." With a perfect credit report. You were late with the garbage bill in December of 1982? Well, we can work something out, but it will take double the deposit. That's not too bad at $6400.00 plus the first month's rent is 8000.00. You don't? Do you know someone you can borrow it from?
Landlords have not yet been able to look me in the eye. I've actually met with very few owners, just agents. Except for the Chinese. They obviously have no need for agents.
Everyone feels weird about the whole thing. I had a "manager" offer me a 1 bedroom dungeon for $1295.00 per month. The place was a tomb. Very small, very uncomfortable, the "parquet" pieces were coming up all over and no light came in through the window. Everyone is trying to act like everything's OK, but they're all on the edge of hysteria. Can you imagine upping your income from $800 to $1350/month in the flick of a tenant?
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS? Talk to me! If I get enough responses, I'll start a bulletin board and then a chat room.
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