In the late 1820's, Bostonian Alfred Robinson visited California missions as a representative of east-coast merchants. In company with a servant—and thousands of tiny companions—Robinson spent a memorable night at Mission San Juan Bautista. Our light was extinguished and soon Deppe's nasal organs announced how deep was his repose; but I lay restless and uneasy. I could not sleep. The blankets pricked my flesh; the room was warm; and at times it would seem as if a thousand needles penetrated my legs and sides. Can it be the blankets, thought I, or are they filled with fleas; and, if so, how is that Deppe sleeps so sound? The more I reasoned, the more horrible became my situation, and I feared I was to become a martyr to never-ending tortures.Alfred Robinson first published his memoir Life in California in 1846. |
© 2000-2013 California Legacy Project, Santa Clara University English Department, Santa Clara University, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053.
For more information: Terry Beers, 408 554 4335, or . |