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**CLPRA scripts are working drafts for recording sessions. Recorded performances may vary due to editing for broadcast.**
James Linen (1808-1873) | 3 Scripts Click the below to hear radio segment.
San Francisco (in imitation of Hiawatha)
From The Poetical and Prose Writings of James Linen, 1865. Read Online Download PDF Reader: Kevin Hearle
Much has been written about the city of San Francisco. But every once in a while, a work takes on epic proportions.

A Scottish native, James Linen worked as a book binder in New York City before moving to California. Once settled, he began writing about the Golden state with a flare not entirely foreign. Consider this parody of the American epic "Hiawatha":

"The Old Mission Church ("Mission Dolores"), San Francisco," from Two Years in California by Mary Cone, 1876.
A next oak-wooded Contra Costa,
Built on hills, stands San Francisco;
Built on tall piles Oregonian,
Deeply sunk in mud terraqueous,
Where the crabs, fat and stupendous,
Once in all their glory revelled;
And where other tribes testaceous
Felt secure in Neptune's kingdom;
Where sea-sharks, with jaws terrific,
Fled from land-sharks of the Orient;
Not far from the great Pacific,
Snug within the Gate called Golden,
By the Hill called Telegraph,
Near the Mission of Dolores,
Close by the Valley of St. Ann's,
San Francisco rears its mansions,
Rears its palaces and churches;
Built of timber, bricks, and mortar,
Built on hills and built in valleys,
Built in Beelzebubbian splendor,
Stands the city San Francisco.
"San Francisco (imitation of Hiawatha)" was published in The Poetical Prose and Writings of James Linen in 1865.

—Contributed by Alicia K. Gonzales

Song of the Fireman
From The Poetical and Prose Writings of James Linen, 1865. Read Online Download PDF Reader: Kevin Hearle
We Californians have long relied on firefighters to protect us from deadly flames. But when was the last time we sang their praises?

During the Gold Rush era, fires frequently broke out in San Francisco. Thankfully, volunteers using wagons to haul water and bells to warn residents repeatedly saved the city from complete destruction. To honor these local heroes, poet James Linen dedicated his "Song of the Fireman" to them. Here's an excerpt:
"Song of the Fireman" was included in The Poetical Prose and Writings of James Linen in 1865.

—Contributed by Alicia K. Gonzales