The tale of Mouse's escapades, originally told by the Miwoks of today's Marin County, explains the world-wide distribution of fire through the cleverness of one small but heroic creature. Mouse, the Flute-player, slipped away unnoticed to go and steal some of the fire from the valley people. He took with him four of his flutes. When he arrived at the assembly house in the valley he found Bear, Rattlesnake, Mountain Lion, and Eagle guarding all the entrances. But Mouse managed, nevertheless, to get into the house. He climbed on top of the house, and while Eagle slept he cut two of his wing feathers which were covering the smoke hole, and slipped in."Mouse Steals Fire" first appeared as a written text in Californian Indian Nights Entertainments, compiled in 1930. –Contributed by Christie Genochio |
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