Spring Salmon, Hurry to Me!: The Seasons of Native California
by Margaret Dubin, Kim Hogeland (Editors)
Spring Salmon, Hurry to Me! offers a literary calendar at once ancient and yet in some way more relevant than the markers of time we are accustomed to. Featuring ancient stories and sacred myths, contemporary poems and short stories, this collection articulates the cyclical changes in the natural world that occur each year. Originally a feature series of Heyday Institute's magazine News from Native California, this expanded collection includes tales of discovery, reflections on family, and explorations of personal history. Poems, myths, and stories from the Karuk, Shasta, Maidu, Yana, Wintu, Atsugewi, Nomlaki, Yokuts, and Chumash tribes of California are included, as well as accounts by historical figures such as Francisco Patencio, Ishi, and Lucy Thompson and the work of contemporary writers such as Darryl Babe Wilson, Janice Gould, Stephen Meadows, Gordon Johnson, Greg Sarris, Shaunna Oteka McCovey, and Roberta Cordero. Accompanying the text are four seasonal woodcuts by Frank LaPena. From fall to winter, through spring and summer, this anthology celebrates the ever-changing faces of life through the eyes of some of the best California Indian writers.